Discipline 3: Innovation Champions

Let’s get reoriented here for a moment. Innovation – the 5 Disciplines: IMPORTANT NEEDS – What is important to the customer VALUE CREATION – General and specific tools for creating customer value INNOVATION CHAMPIONS – Be a champ INNOVATION TEAMS – Similar to many...

The Prototype

If you’re making an innovation plan (a more detailed and fleshed-out summary of your value proposition which also includes some business plan insights and risk discussion), make a prototype of your product or service. That’s it. Make the prototype. No excuses. A...

Innovation plan

After the value proposition has been so meticulously refined that it can be succinctly delivered as an elevator pitch, next up is the innovation plan. The innovation plan takes your value proposition and fleshes it out – providing more details, a business case (how to...

The Elevator Pitch

After talking about creating a value proposition and collecting a large number of ideas to improve it, the book has an entire chapter dedicated to the elevator pitch. An elevator pitch is a succinct, “pithy” summary of your idea told in 1-2 minutes. Hopefully you knew...

Getting More ideas

The next section of the book is called “More Ideas for Faster Value Creation.” This section logically follows the discussion on compounding ideas because having more ideas is part and parcel to compounding ideas. You need both quantity and quality when it comes to...