by Jeff | Aug 27, 2017 | Change by Design Book
Change By Design, Chapter 7: Design Thinking Meets the Corporation, or Teaching To Fish Tim Brown, CEO of IDEO, says he gets asked this question all. the. time.: “How do I make my team/company/organization/life/dog/cat/fish more innovative?” This guy has got to hate...
by Jeff | Aug 27, 2017 | Change by Design Book
Here is a good short nugget from Tim Brown’s Change by Design, Chapter 3. When IDEO needs to do some convergent thinking and narrow in on a few concepts from a possible universe of many, here’s what they do: Put the concepts on the wall Arm everyone with post-it notes...
by Jeff | Aug 25, 2017 | Change by Design Book, Change by Design Book Post
Chapter 3 of Change by Design is called “A Mental Matrix” or “These people have no process!” The Design Thinker’s Process: Inspiration, Ideation, and Implementation Brown describes the Design Thinker moving through three major processes:...
by Jeff | Aug 25, 2017 | Change by Design Book
Chapter 2 of Change By Design is called “Converting Need into Demand, or Putting People First.” “Certain themes and variations – techniques of observation, principles of empathy, and efforts to move beyond the individual – can all be thought of as ways of...
by Jeff | Feb 13, 2016 | Change by Design Book, Uncategorized
“The process of the design thinker, rather, looks like a rhythmic exchange between the divergence and convergent phases, with each subsequent iteration less broad and more detailed than the previous ones.” This sentence makes a heck of a lot more sense when you read...
by Jeff | Feb 13, 2016 | Change by Design Book, Uncategorized
First, a very simple primer on design thinking. Find opportunities to add value using empathy. Understand the consumer. Identify solutions. Be creative. Test your solutions. Refine them. Iterate constantly. Implement and continue learning Design thinking is different...