Walk the Line

In the book, Alex takes his son and his boyscout troop out for an overnight hike. I won’t get into the fact that Alex forgot about the trip until the day of and had to be woken up by his son. Oh, and his son also packed everything – including Alex’s clothes. Maybe...

Statistical Fluctuations

I both read this book and listened to the audiobook, and I would recommend you do the same. Hearing Jonah (the Socratic teacher) say “Statistical fluctuations” in a very foreign accent is highly entertaining. It has really helped me retain the term. Long story short,...

The Balanced Plant

Thought this idea was worth mentioning. What is a balanced plant? Sure, you want to minimize inventory and maximize throughput, but if you were to take those things to an extreme, does that mean you should have zero inventory and infinite throughput? Don’t be...

Maximize Throughput Minus Inventory Minus Expenses

Now that you understand the goal (make money, ROI, cash flow), and the metrics which can be used to quantify those things (throughput, inventory, operational cost), it’s time to think about optimizing them. What does it mean ‘to optimize these metrics’ relative to the...

Make Money Money, Make Money Money

We have established the goal: to make money. But there are two caveats that are worth mentioning. First, making money is a relative thing. If you make one dollar of profit off a billion-dollar investment, you’re not exactly getting a good return on your investment....